Graduate Enrollment by Department
Fall 2023
CollegeDepartmentMaster'sDoctoral (including Special Professional)Certification and Non-degree
Business AdministrationAccounting and Information Systems71 5
Business Administration (Dean's Office)17816 
Economics and Finance27  
College Total276165
EducationCollege of Education (Dean's Office)132  
Counseling, Special Education and Education Psychology242  
Educational Leadership and Foundations44724
Teacher Education1607213
College Total57814417
EngineeringAerospace and Mechanical Engineering69582
Civil Engineering88193
Computer Science7942 
Electrical and Computer Engineering49251
Engineering Education and Leadership6 1
Industrial, Manufacturing, and Systems Engineering115 2
Metallurgical, Materials and Biomedical Engineering2512 
College Total4311569
Graduate StudiesCenter for Environmental Resource Management 66 
Graduate Studies1  
Materials Research and Technology Institute 22 
College Total188 
Health SciencesHealth Sciences 40 
Occupational Therapy2542 
Physical Therapy and Movement Sciences 101 
Public Health Sciences28  
Social Work78  
Speech Language and Hearing Sciences59  
College Total214183 
Liberal ArtsCommunication15  
Creative Writing92  
Criminal Just. & Security Stud77  
Latin-US and Linguistics24  
Liberal Arts (Dean's Office)76 15
Political Science and Public Administration49 1
Sociology and Anthropology711 
College Total42911923
NursingCollege of Nursing3242637
College Total3242637
Office of Academic AffairsNon-degree  48
College Total  48
PharmacySchool of Pharmacy 215 
College Total 215 
ScienceBiological Sciences241025
Chemistry and Biochemistry664 
College Of Science (Dean's Office)28221
Earth, Environmental and Resource Sciences21271
Mathematical Sciences39461
College Total1342618
University Total2,3871,208147